Kongres Szwajcarskiego Stowarzyszenia Konserwacji i Restauracji

Treść zaproszenia poniżej:

Dear international and national colleagues,

I have the pleasure to announce that the next annual meeting of the Swiss Association for Conservation and Restoration (SKR) will take place on the 14th and 15th February 2013 in Lugano, Switzerland (see announcement on Aktuell). We have launched a call for papers, and we would be grateful if you could publish it on your association’s website, so as to reach a maximum of potential speakers. Please find enclosed to this message the call for papers in English, German, French and Italian. As the deadline for the abstracts is beginning of October, we would be happy if you could post the announcement as soon as possible!

The Swiss Association for Conservation and Restoration is keen to keep good contacts with our sister associations and colleagues, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions!

Respectfully yours,

Susanna Pesko, member of the SKR committee.